Tools/Xilinx ISE/DCM

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In order to divide the clock frequency, a Digital Clock manager (DCM) module can be instantiated.


Saprtan 3

In a Spartan-3 FPGA, the associated module is a DCM_SP.

Here a sample code:

library UNISIM;
  use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;
  I_DCM: dcm_clkgen
    generic map (
      clkfx_multiply    => 3,
      clkfx_divide      => 8,
      clkin_period      => 10.0
    port map (
      rst       => '0',
      clkin     => clockIn,
      clkfx     => clock

The library definition and its associated use clause must:

  • be in the code for compilation
  • be commented-out for HDL Designer to generate the concatenated file (else further simulation VHDL code is included and will not be accepted at synthesis)
  • be de-commented for synthesis (which is done in our

Additionally, the hdp preferences file must specify a definition in the HDS section for the unisim library:

unisim = $ISE_HOME/ISE/vhdl/unisim/work
unisim = $ISE_HOME/../../vhdl/src/unisims
unisim = $HDS_PROJECT_DIR/../unisim/hds

If it isn't the case, the HDL Designer vhdl file generator will produce:

Error: Cross reference directory '' cannot be written to. Generation cannot proceed.
Please make sure this directory is write enabled.

Saprtan 6

In a Spartan-6 FPGA, the associated module is a DCM_SP or a DCM_CLKGEN.

Here a sample code:

library UNISIM;
  use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;
  I_DCM: dcm_clkgen
    generic map (
      clkfx_multiply    => 3,
      clkfx_divide      => 8,
      clkin_period      => 10.0
    port map (
      rst       => '0',
      freezedcm => '0',
      clkin     => clockIn,
      clkfx     => clock

UniSim library

Adding the UniSim to the HDS tool can be done with:

unisim = $ISE_HOME/ISE/vhdl/src/unisims

Arrow left.gif Tools/Xilinx_ISE/ISE_Libraries Arrow up.gif Tools/Xilinx_ISE Tools/Xilinx_ISE/UCF_Timing_Constraints Arrow right.gif

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