HiRel/CanSat/Slave XBee

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Type CanSat Slave XBee Schematic Description
V1.0 CanSat Slave XBee V1.0 CanSat Slave XBee v1.0 Schematic PDF XBP24BZ7UIT-004

The CanSat RF communication is done with the help of an XBee-PRO ZB S2B module w/ U.Fl antenna connector.

The connection to the module is done through following pins:

XBee I/O connections
name pin dir description
data_in b2 in serial link RxD
data_out b4 out serial link TxD
reset_n b6 in reset_n
sleep_rq b8 in sleep control
RSSI_PWM t1 out radio signal strength indication
associate t3 out association indication
dio t5 inout digital I/O
sleep_n t7 out sleep indicator

An XBee module can work in API mode, providing a complete ZigBee network, or as a simple AT modem. In order to communicate between different modules, a common PAN identifier must be set. The XBee product manual gives the setup information.

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