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#REDIRECT [[Kart]]
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= Hardware =
== Material for students ==
Give the electronics material to [https://www.hevs.ch/fr/rad-instituts/institut-systemes-industriels/collaborateurs/?fonction=0&keyword=clivaz Cédric Clivaz] about a month before the start of the sommer school.
Digital Electronics lab :
* [http://wiki.hevs.ch/uit/index.php5/Hardware/Stock_Programmer#Microsemi_.28Actel.29 Micorsemi FlashPro Programmers]
* power cable for programming the FPGAs
Electronics workshop:
* power cable to power the cart without accu
* electronic assembly
* DC and stepper motors
* batteries
* RS232 cables and adapters
* sensors
Communication systems lab:
* Androïd phone
* USB cable and adapter
== Test ==
A serial connection to the [[Kart/Bluetooth|control board]]
can be used to do tests without a Smartphone.
To test the different functions of the kart, a standard terminal application
can be used to send individual commands
found as <code>.hex</code> files in the design files.
Alternatively the pyKart software <code>I:\Bachelor\SI\Cours\214_SS1\Logiciel\PyKart\</code>
lets you send individual commands, but can also run a predefined test sequence.
== Control board ==
The control board has an RS232 interface: DB9 and/or Bluetooth.
Power the board:
{| cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="1"
! Cable
! Connection
| black
| Ground
| white
| 3.3 V
| red
| 5 V (not necessary for base system)
Program the controller with <code>I:\Bachelor\SI\Cours\214_Pr1\Electronique\03_Control\FPGA\ELN_kart\Controller\busController.pro</code>.
=== Initial values ===
For the students to use, some registers need safe initial values, such as the prescalers.
The VHDL design should foresee:
* DC motor prescaler: TBD
* stepper motor prescaler: TBD
=== Test ===
Check the I2C signals:
{| cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="1"
! Cable
! Connection
| green
| blue
| grey
| freeze (not used yet)
Note: you can trig on <code>I/O_13</code> to view the I2C frames.
There is a 10&nbsp;kOhm pullup on the SDA signal to have it rising fast enough.
Make an RS232 connection (115200 8N1) to the board and send hex:
* 55 00 FF FF AA (<code>test-FFFF.hex</code>)
* 55 00 F0 0F AA (<code>test-F00F.hex</code>)
Check that the first I2C data bytes switch properly.
Note that F00F will start with the least significant byte, thus showing 0FF0 on the scope.
== DC motor board ==
Insert the DC motor interface board in the I2C chain.
Program it with <code>I:\Bachelor\SI\Cours\214_Pr1\Electronique\03_Control\FPGA\ELN_kart\DcMotor\dcMotor.pro</code>.
=== Test prescaler ===
Make an RS232 connection to the board and send hex:
* 55 00 00 01 AA 55 01 00 07 AA (<code>prescaler-0001.hex</code>)
* 55 00 00 04 AA 55 01 00 07 AA (<code>prescaler-0004.hex</code>)
The speed PWM signal should show a square wave at frequencies in a ratio of 1 to 4.
=== Test PWM ===
Send hex:
* 55 01 00 00 AA (<code>speed-00.hex</code>)
* 55 01 00 01 AA (<code>speed-01.hex</code>)
* 55 01 00 0E AA (<code>speed-0E.hex</code>)
* 55 01 00 0F AA (<code>speed-0F.hex</code>)
The speed PWM signal should reflect the different on/off ratios.
Note that speed <code>0F.hex</code> should provide the maximal speed: signal always '1',
whilst speed <code>00.hex</code> cannot provide minimal speed and will have a ratio 1 of 8,
which won't be enough to have the kart rolling.
=== Test direction ===
Send hex:
* 55 01 00 07 AA (<code>speed-07.hex</code>)
* 55 01 FF F9 AA (<code>speed-FFF9.hex</code>)
The PWM should remain unchanged with an aspect ratio of 50%, but the direction bit should toggle.
=== Test hardware orientation ===
Send hex:
* 55 05 00 00 AA (<code>orientation-fwd.hex</code>)
* 55 05 00 01 AA (<code>orientation-back.hex</code>)
This should toggle the direction bit.
== Stepper motor board ==
Insert the [[Kart/stepper_motor_controller#Stepper_motor|stepper motor interface board]] in the I2C chain.
Program it with <code>I:\Bachelor\SI\Cours\214_Pr1\Electronique\03_Control\FPGA\ELN_kart\StepperMotor\stepperMotor.pro</code>.
=== Test prescaler ===
Make an RS232 connection to the board and send hex:
* 55 02 00 01 AA (<code>prescaler-0001.hex</code>)
* 55 02 00 04 AA (<code>prescaler-0004.hex</code>)
The stepper motor coil controls should show a square wave with duty cycle 25% at frequencies in a ratio of 1 to 4.
Pull the ''test mode'' button up (on).
The coil controls should fall at a much lower frequency.
=== Test Angle control ===
Pull the ''test mode'' button up (on).
Send hex:
* 55 02 10 00 AA (<code>prescaler-000x.hex</code>)
Press the ''end'' button.
The motor should stop.
Send hex:
* 55 03 00 08 AA (<code>angle-08.hex</code>)
* 55 03 00 00 AA (<code>angle-00.hex</code>)
The motor will make 8 steps in direction 1-4 and 8 steps in the other direction.
=== Test hardware orientation ===
Send hex:
* 55 05 00 04 AA (<code>orientation-cw.hex</code>)
* 55 03 00 00 AA (<code>angle-00.hex</code>)
* 55 03 00 08 AA (<code>angle-08.hex</code>)
The  [[Kart/stepper_motor_controller#Stepper_motor|stepper motor]] coils should turn clockwise (1 to 4) after the last command.
* 55 05 00 06 AA (<code>orientation-ccw.hex</code>)
* 55 03 00 00 AA (<code>angle-00.hex</code>)
* 55 03 00 08 AA (<code>angle-08.hex</code>)
The [[Kart/stepper_motor_controller#Stepper_motor|stepper motor]] coils should turn counterclockwise (4 to 1) after the last command.
= HDL Student version =
== Student directories ==
The source files should be placed in <code>U:\ELN_kart</code>.
The projects refers to gate libraries found in <code>R:\SYND\Ele_2131\ELN\Labs\Libraries</code>.
Temporary files are placed in <code>C:\Temp\EDA\<userName>\<designName></code>.
== Master data ==
The project is hosted in the Git repository <code>https://gitlab.hevs.ch/course/ElN/eln_kart</code>.
== Student data ==
The students project is prepared from [https://github.com/hei-synd-2131-eln/eln_kart GitHub].
The individual projects can be followed on the [https://classroom.github.com/classrooms/48827851-hei-synd-2131-eln-labs GitHub class assignments].

Latest revision as of 20:38, 17 September 2024

  1. REDIRECT Kart
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