From UIT
(Redirected from Tools/EclipseArmebs4/SetupOSX/Latest)
Install a click-and-run IDE for stm32f4 based boards.
The Eclipse based ARMEBS4 IDE has been tested on OS X 10.9,OS X 10.10 and OS X 10.11.
The Eclipse-ARMEBS4 Application bundle contains all tools needed for ARMEBS4 or Cortex-M development.
Just download it from here: Download Eclipse-ARMEBS4 for Mac
Current Tools versions (Eclipse-ARMEBS4 2015-11)
- Eclipse Mars (4.5.1 - 64 bits) - Java developer edition
- GNU ARM Eclipse Plug-ins
- Subversive
- EmbSysRegView
- gcc-arm-none-eabi - 4_9-2015q3
- Openocd - 0.9.0 (GNU ARM Version)
- Java SE Development Kit 8u65 (64 bits)
- doxygen - 1.8.10
- Get an ARMEBS4 Suitcase (ask someone from the ARMBES4 team)
- Verify it's content:
- An ARMEBS4 board
- A USB cable (A -> micro B)
- Verify it's content:
- A Mac
- Supported are OS X 10.9 to 10.11
- A USB port
- 2 GByte free HDD space