High Voltage GridLab

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The High Voltage GridLab is the part of the GridLab which works on the high voltage grid. The installations are at a scale of 1:5000, which means real producers and consumers are recreated at a reduced scale to be able to simulate high voltage producers and consumers e.g. distribution grids.

The main purpose of the High Voltage GridLab is to provide an infrastructure to perform reduced scale simulations and tests in the medium and high voltage grid. This infrastructure is primarily used for the practical classes of the degree programs Systems Engineering and Energy and Environmental Engineering. Furthermore the infrastructure will provide a versatile tool for research and development and educational projects of the whole School of Engineering. The use of the High Voltage GridLab by external companies as a test environment is envisaged too.

As the following images show, the High Voltage GridLab is still under construction.

The High Voltage GridLab under construction The High Voltage GridLab under construction


This part of the GridLab wiki contains information about the following major parts of the the High Voltage GridLab.


The following list shows projects that where executed with the Low Voltage GridLab infrastructure.

  • Dimensionnement de lignes et transformateurs pour Mini-Réseau HT/MT, Noémie Epiney 2013
  • Banc de simulation Eolienne, Shadya Gabathuler 2013
  • Intégration d’éoliennes dans le Gridlab, Zacharie Lagger 2014


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